Ex: PhD Candidate, Artificial Intelligence, KU Leuven ; American Express ; IIT Kanpur
Hi, I am looking for a job opportunity in Data Science, preferably in AI Research. I am a 2015 Mathematics graduate from IIT Kanpur, also hhaving a pre-doctoral degree in Computer Science from KU Leuven, Belgium.
Over the last 3 years, I was a PhD candidate with Prof. Luc De Raedt as part of the SYNTH Project on ‘Automating Data Science’ in the research group of Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence (DTAI) at KU Leuven, Belgium.
My work was themed around ‘Logic and Learning in Automating Data Science’ with a prime focus on probabilistic logic programming, rule learning, predicate invention and planning.
Research Interests
Computer Science
>> Artificial Intelligence
>> Statistical and Relational AI
>> Probabilistic Logic Programming, Logic, Planning
>> Probability, Statistics, Logic
>> Finance, Statistical Simulation
>> Image Processing, Fractals
Prior to 2017
I have previously worked on Credit Risk Management at American Express, Gurgaon, India for 2 years after completing a Masters degree (MSc Integrated) in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from Indian Intitute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 2015.
May 25, 2020 | Participated in the EUvsVirus hackathon. We present you BYSON (Bring you store online) - a platform that allows shop owners to bring their store online super-easily and connect with customers, thereby helping to flatten the curve. Check out our submission |
Mar 1, 2019 |
My first submission just got accepted!
Our work on ‘Scalable Rule Learning in Probablistic Knowledge Bases’ got accepted in the 1st Conference of Automated Knowledge Base Construction 2019 to take place in University of Massachusetts from 20 to 22 May 2019.
[paper, presentation, spotlight, poster, code] |
Feb 3, 2018 | I have officially commenced my PhD, which should tentatively be of 4 years. |